The documents in your estate plan allow you to designate who you want to make decisions on your behalf if necessary, the care you wish to receive during your lifetime, and the legacy you hope to leave. A holistic estate plan recognizes that your family dynamics, assets, and legacy are interwoven. They are also essential elements for creating a road map that will help your family honor your values and choices in the event of illness, incapacity, or death. Our holistic planning provides the space and time necessary to guide you in stages, while meeting your most urgent needs today. Your decisions now hold immense power to prevent future family strife, legal action, undue stress and financial burden. An estate plan is a gift to your loved ones. Ask us how we can help.
During your free initial consultation, we will discuss each of your concerns and goals. We will then create a customized plan for your unique circumstances and help you determine whether certain priorities are more pressing than others. Your plan can be as simple or complex as you’d like.
Our firm advises clients on key estate planning tools including the following:
- Wills
- Trusts (advisable in some, but not all cases)
- Guardianship provisions for minor children
- General (Financial) Powers of Attorney
- Medical Powers of Attorney
- Advance Directives/Living Wills
- HIPAA Releases
- Declarations of Disposition of Last Remains
- Personal Property Memoranda
Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for more information regarding the above tools.

Cost-Effective Pricing
Our estate planning services are based on flat fees. This payment structure offers the most competitive prices for our clients and ensures that you don’t have to worry about every question you ask raising the price. The price of a comprehensive full-service plan starts as low as $2,500 for non-trust planning, and we also offer sliding scale options. See our emergency options for more details. Once we discuss your specific needs at your free initial consultation meeting, we will provide you with the price of your desired plan.
Pricing for unbundled documents is as follows (only applies to Powers of Attorney, Advance Directives, and Guardianship Designations):
- $325 per document for an individual
- $600 per document for married couples